Chris Ballard: Exploring the World of Sports Journalism with a Plunge Into Cold Water Swimming

Chris Ballard: Exploring the World of Sports Journalism with a Plunge Into Cold Water Swimming

The dreaded Cold Ice Plunge only lasts for a few minutes, but – what happens to the human body, and mind – when it comes to elongated stays inside of icy-cold water? Veteran Sports Journalist Chris Ballard visits 3 orthopedic surgeons to share details about ice swimming, the state of sports journalism and more inside …

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OCD Lesions – Lessons from 3 Surgeons…

OCD Lesions – Lessons from 3 Surgeons…

OCD Lesions are unique injuries to both cartilage and bone and not only occur in adults, but also often occur in the bodies of today’s youth. It’s time to find out more from a series of answers, details and lightbulb-conjuring lessons from 3 orthopedic surgeons inside this episode of The 6 to 8 Weeks Podcast. …

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Patellas and Hamstrings and Quads, Oh My! Which ACL Graft is Best for You?

Patellas and Hamstrings and Quads, Oh My! Which ACL Graft is Best for You?

Human tissue is amazing. To think that a section of it can be harvested – whether it be your own or from another source, to change the future movement that will propel your body, career choices and life, makes the mind reel. It’s time to learn what three orthopedic surgerons think about the various types …

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Hearing from The Fellows in Fellowship – 2024

Hearing from The Fellows in Fellowship – 2024

Few things offer better insight and validation than testimony from the next generation you’re helping to learn, grow and craft the future of your profession. All that and more is included in this in-depth interview with two Fellows, about their Fellowship experience inside this episode of The 6 to 8 Weeks Podcast. Connect with The …

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San Francisco’s Road to the Super Bowl: A Sports Medicine Perspective

San Francisco’s Road to the Super Bowl: A Sports Medicine Perspective

The only thing more vital to knowing who wins a Super Bowl, is knowing how the current year’s injuries, trends in sports and what three orthopedic surgeons think of this year’s match-up. Thankfully, those things and more are included inside this episode of The 6 to 8 Weeks Podcast. Connect with The 6-8 Weeks Podcast: …

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Nick Colyvas and Meniscus Repairs

Nick Colyvas and Meniscus Repairs

Orthopedic surgery is a fast-paced practice, but there’s far-more to this episode’s guest than keeping up the pace when taking care of patients. Nick Colyvas is not just a meniscus repair specialist, he also uses his keep skills, perspectives and drive for success in F-1 racing. It’s time to talk all about meniscus tears, repairs, …

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Everything You Want to Know About Biking

Everything You Want to Know About Biking

Cycling has evolved a LOT since 1817, and so have the people that ride these mechanical marvels. Today, Dr. David Ferguson, who with his wife’s help, company and loving spirit for cycling, has set a Guiness World Record while accomplishing a truly amazing achievement. Whether you’re looking for the way to gauge the perfect ride …

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Unlocking Weight Management: Insights from Dr. Diana Thiara, MD

Unlocking Weight Management: Insights from Dr. Diana Thiara, MD

Each year, millions around the world embark on a grand new adventure, that involves THEIR WEIGHT. Whether you’re an athlete, someone more sedintary, or something in-between, you have likely committed to managing your weight differently as the calendar rolls to yet another 1-1. This week, Dr. Diana Thiara stops in to help unlock weight management …

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How to Excel In Your Residency Interview

How to Excel In Your Residency Interview

The tales of surrounding the process of interviewing for residency are legend – but what is the reality? It’s time to listen to what three orthopedic surgeons remember not only from how they’ve conducted interviews, but how they too were in the same shoes the interviewees are in. It’s time to prepare yourself and be …

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