NBA Off-Season: Breaking Down the Health of Potential Options for the Warriors

NBA Off-Season: Breaking Down the Health of Potential Options for the Warriors

The NBA Off-Season is in full swing and there is a lot of chatter about new (and old!) players who may play for the Warriors next season. One of the concerns, particularly for an older team, is the health of possible new signings. Listen to our latest podcast as we break down potential players for …

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NBA Finals Preview: How Will Injuries and Age Impact The Series?

NBA Finals Preview: How Will Injuries and Age Impact The Series?

  With the NBA Finals starting this week how will injuries impact the series? Listen to our latest podcast as we break down how calf injuries, concussions, load management, and ankle injuries may impact the Dallas / Boston series.   Connect with the Hosts of The 6-8 Weeks Podcast: It’s never been easier to connect …

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Is Your Blood The Fountain of Youth?

Is Your Blood The Fountain of Youth?

Athletes, both professional and every-day, are playing far-longer than they have in recent decades. The hope to find something special to extend performance but also general satisfaction from participation in sports is real. It’s time to talk with a man that has done extensive research into a variety of internal aspects concerning logevity in sports …

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NBA Injury Updates: What will The Warriors Do?

NBA Injury Updates: What will The Warriors Do?

Injuries for professional basketball players are a very common occurrence. What isn’t common, however is having to endure an NBA final season – without a California-based basketball team represented. It’s time to find out what three orthopedic surgeons from the San Francisco area think of both of these phenomenon and more inside this episode of …

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Pulling Back The Curtain: How Surgeons Prepare for Your Visit & Surgery

Pulling Back The Curtain: How Surgeons Prepare for Your Visit & Surgery

Surgery can be tremendously stressful – unless you are familiar with what happens before you get there. There’s finally a compiled listing of events, planning and detail that helps you to undersetand more of what  goes into the innerworkings of your surgery – thanks to the this program. It’s time to learn what three orthopedic …

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Are There Too Many Pitching Injuries in Major League Baseball Right Now?

Are There Too Many Pitching Injuries in Major League Baseball Right Now?

It used to be that pitchers in Major League Baseball (MLB) not only pitched for many if not all innings in a game – but for far longer periods of time when it comes to career length. What’s happened recently? There is apparently a trend where MLB pitchers are injuring and reinjuring themselves far-more regularly. …

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When the Shoulder Fails: Understanding Labral Tears and Sports Recovery

When the Shoulder Fails: Understanding Labral Tears and Sports Recovery

While many people are familiar with meniscus injuries and ACL tears, when they hear they’ve injured their labrum – the question marks pop up a’plenty. What exactly is going on with this injury and what can three orthopedic surgeons tell us about it? That and the process of recovery after this injury are the focus …

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Breaking Down The Western Conf. NBA Injuries Before Playoffs Begin

Breaking Down The Western Conf. NBA Injuries Before Playoffs Begin

When you gather a group of towering men, have them run in close proximity during what is a decidedly competitive professional basketball season – there’s going to be wear and tear – and that means INJURIES. It’s time to get the most-recent hot take from three orthopedic surgeons about injuries impacting professional NBA players in …

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Emily Oster – A Discussion on Running, Statistics, and Unseen Labor in the Workforce

Emily Oster – A Discussion on Running, Statistics, and Unseen Labor in the Workforce

Running, economics and crafting a valuable homefront are all incredibly detailed efforts. Many of us try to make great strides within these effortss, but few do it with the skill, detail and reverence that Author, Doctor and Professor Emily Oster does. It’s time to see what she can share with three orthopedic surgeons inside this …

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